Sunday, 21 November 2010

(Just Like) Starting Over

Imagine, if you will, that this blog is a little like a small child. It constantly requires me, its supposed parent, to feed it, clean up after it, take it out and generally show it love and affection. You might have noticed that I haven't posted much for a few days... if we stick to our charming little analogy, then this is tantamount to negligent parenting, and, gentle readers, I accept full responsibility. Little Blogsworth hasn't been out of the  virtual house in days; his nappy is full to bursting with spam and he is hungry for some fresh posting. But before you so gleefully cast that first stone, esteemed reader, just think. In this sordid tale of blogging for life and not just for Christmas, you are no better than the disinterested next door neighbour who simply stands and watches whilst an innocent blog is left wanting. Really, this is all your fault.

Blogs however, are not sentient. Yet. Until the day when I get my comeuppance with a 2001: A Space Odyssey-style Blog, I'm safe. So shall we just get back to where we were up to? We shall? Oh, I am glad, dearest reader.

Part of the reason for my oh so conspicuous absence is my being retained by employment. Some people (well, one) have asked me why I don't blog more about the day to day minutia that I experience in my fast paced career in the food service industry. Well, let's take the example about the Bible for a second. You know the gospels, right? Ripping good yarns. Imagine if, instead of writing about their friend, teacher, and all around honest to goodness saviour-of-the-world, they filled pages with how their day's went. It just wouldn't have had the same effect. In fact, that's pretty much where the Old Testament went wrong. That's not to say that I see this blog as divine revelation. But. Well. You know.

Actually, now that we've opened that can of worms that is the Bible, shall we stick with a little while? I'm not sure how many of you will be interested in this, but this week, the Pope, Benny XVI himself, shocked a lot of people by seemingly loosening up on the Vatican's stance on the use of condoms. This is pretty huge news for anyone interested in Catholic social teaching; for a while, the total ban on contraception in Catholic dogma has been a source of embarrassment and confusion for many liberal Catholics and a cause for dismay amongst non believers. One has to wonder the motivation that caused the otherwise extremely conservative Benedict to make a remark like this, and where it may take the Church next.

I promise that's the most serious topic I'll deal with for a while. I'll get back to jokes about those Chilean miners if you like.

Just a few more little bits before I sign off for tonight; I've finished recording my latest little foray into songwriting, and will more than likely be posting it over the next few days. Get excited, chums! And from you great unwashed masses, I have a question. Remember a few days ago, I posted you asking you about your favourite books? I still want to know, guys! Lets get these suggestions flooding in.

Until next we meet, (I promise I'll be a better blog parent this time) don't eat the stuff under the sink.

1 comment:

  1. Matt, read infinite jest. You seem to have a lot of time on your hands. You could do it in a couple of weeks.

    Also, the word nappy is disgusting. It just sounds awful and gross and sickening. Where does it even come from? It's hideous.
