Monday, 15 November 2010

Johnny Quest Thinks I'm Selling Out...

Oh heck. So, every keyboard jockey eventually abandons the safety of image-recycler Tumblr and strays into the harsh wasteland that is the Blogosphere. Its pretty terrifying here, so bear with me.

Picking yourself up off the floor after a jolly good chuckle at my blog title, you might be thinking just what the hell this is. Well, rather like a child sticking his freshly sucked thumb into an electrical socket, I have no idea what's coming next. I have a feeling its going be at least semi-autobiographical though, since truth is so often stranger than fiction.

So without further groping for a segue-way... Last week I found myself in a Strangeways-esque Camden hostel with some good buddies. Within five minutes of being in the room (a stretch of the term; it had four walls and two wire framed bunk beds), Luke had broken a sink. Well, THE sink actually. Hopefully, the proprietor of said hostel isn't reading this blog; I think we'll be alright though, my accessory to the crime,  seeing as he looked like he probably belonged in the role of Sinister Extra Number Seven in the Saw franchise.

So why was I putting myself through this Purgatorio? To see those Gainsville FLA ska rockers that so characterised my rapidly fleeting youth, of course. Less Than Jake were at Kentish Town, yo! And what a show it was. For the uninitiated, LTJ are probably one of the most popular of the Third Wave Ska bands (Rather like the 3rd Reich, Third Wave Ska is one of the better known waves of Ska, including Mighty Bosstones and Reel Big Fish), and are characterised by melodic lead basslines and skank-licious horn sections. Records like 'Hello Rockview' and 'Losing Streak' pretty much sounded like a how to of contemporary Ska. Sadly, poor old LTJ were more recently the victim of label interference, and leaving the financial instability of Gold records behind of the safety of major label-dom, they released a polished turd of an album in 'In With The Out Crowd'. They really should have left that one out altogether.

Their most recent offering, the delightful 'Gainsville, FLA' marked a return to form as well as a leaving behind of the the big bag monster labels for a DIY release, and man, did it show. Alot of critics detected a live orientation in the album, and they were right- the tracks off it sound brilliant live! In fact, they didn't play a single track off 'In With...', but rather played a host from their extensive back catalogue and from 'Gainsville FLA'. Its been a while since i've seen such energy in a live performance, with so many bands now treating their audiences with Morrisey-like contempt. You see, the real pleasure of the show was that I could have been watching an unsigned local talent; there was so little pretension, and a genuine love of performance buzzing the room, something really commendable from such a big band. And, as with every Ska Punk show, the crowd were just awesome- vicious moshers with hearts of gold.  Except for one member who repeatedly elbowed me in the stomach. Did I mention she was a 16 year old girl with what seemed like a penchant for casual violence? It takes all kinds in the Big Smoke....

Oh, and Zebrahead supported, but lets face it. They have limited appeal.

Right, enough musical gushing, that's today's post done. Before I pop off, I draw your attention to Wikipedia, where esteemed founder/ professional moocher Jimmy Wales is lending his earnest face to another scrounging campaign. Must try harder, Jimmy; nothing in this world is free. Except your website.

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